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Electrode material for super capacitor-carbon nanotubes

Carbon nanotubes Carbon nanotubes (CNT), also known as bucky tubes, belong to the Fullerian carbon system. In 1991, Professor Lijima discovered for the first time a nanometer-sized (1-100nm) multilayer tube, namely CNT, under a high-resolution transmission electron microscope when evaporating graphite electrodes using a [...]


What is the difference between supercapacitors and standard capacitors?

Since supercapacitors use two layers of dielectric material between their electrodes, they are called "double layer" capacitors. But the whole name was harder to remember, so the name "supercapacitor" was used, and the name has stuck to this day. When looking at the circuit [...]


Graphene supercapacitors-Activated carbon of carbon-based electrode material

Graphene supercapacitors is a special kind of capacitor with unusually high conductivity and large surface area, which is superior to similar products in the process of energy storage and release. 🌱As one of the most abundant elements on earth, carbon plays a vital role [...]


Xuansn capacitor supplier-Successfully hold flower arrangement activities

On the evening of November 29, 2022, hosted by the Xiegang Town Federation of Trade Unions, undertaken by Lucky Star Flower Shop, and co-organized Xuansn capacitor supplier, the flower art salon with the theme of "Flower Fragrance Joys Life, Praise for the New Era" [...]


Xuansn Capacitors- Held management ability improvement training class

On November 9-10, 2022, Xuansn Capacitors Electronics specially invited Mr. Huang Haijian from Renben (Dongguan) Education and Culture Consulting Co., Ltd. to the company to bring a two-day course "Enhancing the Management Ability of Manufacturing Enterprise Team Leaders" for all managers. . With the [...]

2022-11-11T10:17:14+00:00FAQ, News|

Shunt capacitor device丨Operation maintenance management

1 Precautions for the operation and maintenance of filter and shunt capacitor devices 1.1 Monitoring of capacitor unbalanced current operation 🌟One of the most important functions of the AC filter and the shunt capacitor is to provide reactive power for the DC system. When [...]


Follow-up acceptance during installation of filter and shunt capacitor devices

1. The Importance of Equipment Installation Tracking 💐The DC converter station usually shoulders the important task of interconnecting large-scale power grids and transmitting electric energy with high power. The safe and stable operation of a single station often determines the safe and stable operation [...]


Do you know the types and technical characteristics of capacitors used in converter stations?

🌱China's HVDC transmission projects have developed rapidly after 2000, and the rapid development of HVDC transmission projects has led to a rapid increase in the demand for different types of power capacitors in converter stations. For a DC transmission project, the capacity of the [...]



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